Tag Archives: voicethread
Make Your VoiceThreads Play Like a Video
Online Teaching Tip: Determine how your students can comment in VoiceThread
Did you know that you can direct the students to comment in a certain medium in VoiceThread (VT)? Say, for instance, you only want them to do video comments, but inevitably you have those students who ignore in the instructions and only type their comments. Well, here’s how to prevent that. In VoiceThread, go to…

Faculty Guest Post: Incorporating VoiceThread into Hybrid and Flipped Classes
Today’s Faculty Guest Post is from Glen Riecken, Visiting Professor of Marketing. Glen attended TLT’s 2015 Faculty Technology Institute. In this post, he reflects on the process of incorporating VoiceThread into his MKTG 302 (Marketing Concepts) courses. I am writing this blog post based on my experience incorporating VoiceThread into my MKTG 302 classes over…
Dear TLT: How do I Capture a Long Distance Recording of a Guest Speaker?
Dear TLT, I would like my colleague, in Ohio, to speak to my class about his research on wormholes. Unfortunately, he’s not very tech savvy. Is there a way to record him without him having to use a computer or camcorder–perhaps over the phone? Thanks in advance. Sincerely, Professor Richard “Dick” Solomon Physics Dear Professor Solomon,…