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Tag Archives: training
Dig Deeper into Online Teaching and Learning!
Your Teaching & Learning Team is excited to announce a new professional development opportunity you won’t want to miss. On January 30, 2019, we will launch the Distance Education Extension Program (DEEP for short). This will be a series of online, self-paced mini-courses for faculty who are teaching online and hybrid classes. While the Distance…

DE 2.0 Workshop: Humanizing Your Online Course
“I miss getting to really know my students. It’s just not the same.” “There’s no way of knowing who is on the other side of the screen.” Sound familiar? If so then you aren’t alone. Not only do some instructors feel this way about online learning, but students do as well. Often they feel isolated,…

Wanted! CofC DE Instructors Interested in Professional Development
TLT is proud to announce the start of a new training opportunity for online faculty! DE 2.0 is a series of immersive workshops that will be delivered largely asynchronously online. These sessions will be focused on topic specific items for faculty who are currently teaching online and want to dig a little deeper into updated…
Fall Application Deadline for DE Readiness Course
Teaching, Learning, & Technology is accepting applications for the Fall 2015 DE Readiness Course. Applications are due May 1, 2015. In order to teach online for the College of Charleston, faculty must complete this 8-week online course which will run from September 16 to November 18. The course guides faculty through best practices and technology…