Need help filming yourself? No budget for a tripod? Kentucky artist and film teacher Kathleen Lolley and TLT’s Alea McKinley co-created a tutorial to teach you how to make a tripod for your cell phone using a paper towel roll. Safe, social-distancing was practiced during the collaboration…
Tag Archives: tlt
Adding 3D models into OAKS with SketchFab!
TLT Pumpkin by wolfejg on Sketchfab SketchFab is the world’s largest platform for immersive and interactive 3D content. More than a million creators have created 3D models across a broad range of topics and categories, including Art & Abstract, Science & Technology and Cultural Heritage & History. You can view and upload models on Windows,…
Agents of TLT Video
TLT recently debuted a video at the New Faculty Orientation that introduces our heroic alter-egos in an homage to ABC’s Agents of Shield: Be sure to also subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos:…

Start your semester off right!
Starting a new semester can be daunting but let us help you with our Start of Semester Checklist! This checklist gives you a list view of important tasks to complete to make sure your semester starts off smoothly, it also tells you how to complete most tasks. Some of the tasks and include: Verifying your course shell…

Wanted! CofC DE Instructors Interested in Professional Development
TLT is proud to announce the start of a new training opportunity for online faculty! DE 2.0 is a series of immersive workshops that will be delivered largely asynchronously online. These sessions will be focused on topic specific items for faculty who are currently teaching online and want to dig a little deeper into updated…