Tag Archives: syllabus

Small Teaching Tip #21: It’s Time for a Syllabus Redesign
by Jessica Smith, Ph.D. If you’re like most faculty, you receive an inordinate number of questions from students that they could have easily answered themselves if they only consulted the syllabus. For years, I’ve pondered the question: why don’t students read the syllabus? The answer I’ve come up with after a lot of research…
Small Teaching Tip #19: Creating a More Engaging and Effective First Day of Class
Over the years, I’ve written a few blog posts about using the first day of class more effectively. But since it’s been a while and a new semester is upon us, I thought I’d revisit this topic. So here are a few ideas to spice up that first day (or first week) of class: Don’t…
Is Your First Day of Class “Syllabus Day”?
At college campuses across the country, a new semester has begun, allowing us to once again begin anew. Few professionals have the opportunity to start fresh every couple of months but professors, if they’re so inclined, can modify their classes every semester based upon self and student evaluations. One part of teaching that I have…