In a previous post, I discussed the important role memory retrieval plays in learning. To briefly review: each time we recall a piece of information, we strengthen the neural pathways that move the information from our long-term memories to our working memories. So the more times we retrieve the information, the more deeply we learn it…
Tag Archives: quizzing
![Did you know?](
I just learned that the OAKS Quizzes tool allows you to grade short answer, essay, or long answer questions without knowing which student wrote them. This blind grading feature is something that has evidently been around for awhile but is so nicely hidden most users wouldn’t even know to look for it and is a great way to…
The Essential Role of Memory Retrieval in Student Learning
Too often, at professional development workshops or on education blogs, there’s an emphasis on designing courses that encourage students to reach the summit of Bloom’s pyramid. There’s absolutely nothing inadvisable about helping students analyze, evaluate, and explore. But in our race to the top, we often overlook the importance of remembering, understanding, and even applying…
Get Geddit to track understanding in your classroom
UPDATE: On 3/14/15, we received an email from Geddit notifying us that their servers will be shutdown on July 1, 2015. Contact your instructional technologist to review possible alternatives. What is Geddit? Geddit is an online tool that enables instructors to track understanding, instantly and privately, in their classrooms. Geddit is easy for students…