Tag Archives: presentation
The TLT Con is On!
TLT Con Flyer come as you are 2020 half page…
Biteable – a fun way to create an informational video
These days infographics are all the rage but, while they can deliver a lot of information on one page, they can be a bit boring and sometimes I really need someone to explain the graphic. Biteable now offers a way to have the easy to read and understand statistics and information found in an infographic…

Make videos interactive
What is ? RooClick is a patent-pending concept in click-to-interact technology utilizing web browsers and mobile applications to allow students and teachers to engage in video content in real time. Thus allowing curriculum and information to be accessed with one click. RooClick was founded on the premises of giving viewers what they want when they…
Make Professional Looking Voice Stories with Adobe Voice
“Adobe Voice is a free iPad app that helps you create stunning animated videos in minutes.” Just “pick from over 25,000 beautiful iconic images to show your ideas (or choose from photos on your tablet).” Record your voice over the images, one image at a time. “Set the mood with a musical soundtrack and choose the perfect…