Tag Archives: #onenewthing
Digital scavenger hunts for building class community

#OneNewThing – Padlet
“Padlet is a virtual wall that allows people to express their thoughts on a common topic easily. It works like an online sheet of paper where people can put any content (e.g. images, videos, documents, text) anywhere on the page, together with anyone, from any device.” (Mrs. Treichler) Platforms: Web, iOS, Android, also has plugins…

#OneNewThing – Zoom Conferencing
Zoom is an online conferencing tool, similar to WebEx or Go To Meeting, and allows you to host online, collaborative sessions. The free version is full featured for up to 45 minutes of conferencing. With the FREE version of Zoom users can: hold unlimited 1 on 1 sessions hold an unlimited number of sessions have…

#OneNewThing – Adobe Spark
This summer I attended a teaching symposium where the mantra was “One New Thing,” or the act of finding one thing that you think will meet a need and implementing it instead of feeling pressure to implement many things. This new series will focus on helping you potentially find your #OneNewThing. Adobe Spark is an online graphics…