Dear TLT: Can I Embed a VoiceThread Lecture in OAKS Content?

Dear TLT, Is it possible to embed a VoiceThread lecture in OAKS content? I know my students access VoiceThread via the Multimedia Resources widget, to make comments, but what if my lecture is view only? Sincerely, Professor C. Connors Genetic Biology [hr] Dear Professor Connors, Great question! Yes, you can. To embed view-only VoiceThread lectures in OAKS content, follow these eight steps:…

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Get Geddit to track understanding in your classroom

UPDATE: On 3/14/15, we received an email from Geddit notifying us that their servers will be shutdown on July 1, 2015. Contact your instructional technologist to review possible alternatives.   What is Geddit? Geddit is an online tool that enables instructors to track understanding, instantly and privately, in their classrooms. Geddit is easy for students…

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