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Tag Archives: instruction

DE 2.0 Workshop: Humanizing Your Online Course
“I miss getting to really know my students. It’s just not the same.” “There’s no way of knowing who is on the other side of the screen.” Sound familiar? If so then you aren’t alone. Not only do some instructors feel this way about online learning, but students do as well. Often they feel isolated,…

Small Teaching Tip #4: Incorporate Active Learning into Your Lectures
Most faculty members have lectured to their students at some point in their careers. In traditional lectures, this means that the instructor speaks while students listen. While some lectures can be dynamic, engaging, and even entertaining, research has shown that student concentration typically drops after 10-15 minutes. With many questions during a traditional lecture being…

Small Teaching Tip #2: The Minutes Before Class Begins
Many of us arrive to our classrooms without time to spare. We then concentrate on taking attendance, turning on the computer and projector, or reviewing our lecture notes. Meanwhile, our students sit silently, gazing at their phones. We may not consider the minutes before class begins as consequential, but they offer a fertile opportunity to get…

Wanted! CofC DE Instructors Interested in Professional Development
TLT is proud to announce the start of a new training opportunity for online faculty! DE 2.0 is a series of immersive workshops that will be delivered largely asynchronously online. These sessions will be focused on topic specific items for faculty who are currently teaching online and want to dig a little deeper into updated…