Small Teaching Tip #7: Allow Yourself to Be a Beginner

This week’s Small Teaching Tip is less of a tip and more of an observation and some encouragement. . . As an instructional technologist, I support faculty’s endeavors to expand their teaching repertoires.  Over the past couple of years, I’ve discovered that many faculty are hesitant to try new technologies or teaching strategies. For some,…

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Why should I flip my classroom?

    Flipping the classroom seems to be the newest buzzword in education, both in higher ed and in k12 but what are the benefits of this method and what exactly is a “flipped classroom”?    Flipped Classroom A flipped classroom is a reversal of the norm, where class time that is usually spent lecturing…

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Introducing TLT’s Small Teaching Tips!

Have you ever uttered these words (perhaps after attending a TLT training)? “I’d love to try that new tech tool or teaching strategy, but I just don’t have the time to research it or make the necessary changes in my classes.” We hear you.  Making dramatic changes to your classes requires a lot of time and…

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8 Engaging Ways to use Technology in the Classroom

I wanted to share the article 8 Engaging Ways to use Technology in the Classroom to Create Lessons That Aren’t Boring from EmergingEdTech that offers up some strategies and tools for the classroom at this time because a few ideas noted in the article will be covered by CofC Faculty at the upcoming TLT Conference which takes place…

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