Need help filming yourself? No budget for a tripod? Kentucky artist and film teacher Kathleen Lolley and TLT’s Alea McKinley co-created a tutorial to teach you how to make a tripod for your cell phone using a paper towel roll. Safe, social-distancing was practiced during the collaboration…
Tag Archives: flipped classroom
Guest Post: Playing games to engage students in a non-majors biology course
Our guest blogger is Kathleen Janech from the Department of Biology. In 2014, Kathleen attended the Faculty Technology Institute. This blog post is a report and reflection on implementing strategies and technologies from that workshop. Kathleen describes her endeavors to make her lectures more interactive through gamification, and she discusses moving some lecture content online…
Assess Student Presentations with Acclaim
What is Acclaim? Acclaim is a web platform which facilitates asynchronous discussion around video content. Students and instructors can add time-stamped comments that link to moments in each video. Each comment is clickable, and once clicked, the video will jump to the relevant moment in the video. Students can see and respond to comments at…
Preparing for the Unexpected
On Tuesday, the College of Charleston experienced a safety and communication crisis when a bomb threat was made. Classes in six buildings were officially cancelled and many faculty, staff, and students were prohibited from accessing their offices, classrooms, and dorms until 5:00PM. This unexpected disruption caused many professors to lose valuable class time. As the…
Track Your Teams with Score Keeper by Learning Dojo
Score Keeper – What is it and how can I use it? Platform – iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad Price – free in the App Store (NOTE: this is listed as an iPhone app) Download – Overview Using Team Based Learning or Gaming in your classroom? Having a hard time easily keeping or resetting the score? Score…