Introducing TLT’s Small Teaching Tips!

Have you ever uttered these words (perhaps after attending a TLT training)? “I’d love to try that new tech tool or teaching strategy, but I just don’t have the time to research it or make the necessary changes in my classes.” We hear you.  Making dramatic changes to your classes requires a lot of time and…

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Faculty Guest Post: Incorporating VoiceThread into Hybrid and Flipped Classes

Today’s Faculty Guest Post is from Glen Riecken, Visiting Professor of Marketing.  Glen attended TLT’s 2015 Faculty Technology Institute.  In this post, he reflects on the process of incorporating VoiceThread into his MKTG 302 (Marketing Concepts) courses. I am writing this blog post based on my experience incorporating VoiceThread into my MKTG 302 classes over…

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The Essential Role of Memory Retrieval in Student Learning

Too often, at professional development workshops or on education blogs, there’s an emphasis on designing courses that encourage students to reach the summit of Bloom’s pyramid.  There’s absolutely nothing inadvisable about helping students analyze, evaluate, and explore.  But in our race to the top, we often overlook the importance of remembering, understanding, and even applying…

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Why You Should Join a Professional Learning Club

A Professional Learning Club (PLC) is a group of six to eight faculty members who meet to collaboratively reflect on and improve their teaching practices.  Participation involves one academic year of exploring, implementing, and evaluating empirically-grounded instructional strategies with the goal of improving student learning and engagement.        Why should you join a…

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