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Tag Archives: faculty
Running During the Time of COVID-19
Three weeks ago, I decided to start running. Without my daily commute and general walking from building to building at the college, my body was craving movement. I tried some Youtube aerobics (remember Billy Blanks and Tae Bo) and just got angry at the lack of space in my house and the complicated footwork. I…
Professional Learning Club Applications are OPEN!
The Professional Learning Club (PLC) applications are now open and will close on July 15th so APPLY TODAY! A Professional Learning Club is a group of faculty that meets to collaboratively reflect on and improve their teaching practices. These learning clubs will consist of 4-6 faculty who will take the year to explore, implement, and reflect on specific, empirically-grounded…
Dig Deeper into Online Teaching and Learning!
Your Teaching & Learning Team is excited to announce a new professional development opportunity you won’t want to miss. On January 30, 2019, we will launch the Distance Education Extension Program (DEEP for short). This will be a series of online, self-paced mini-courses for faculty who are teaching online and hybrid classes. While the Distance…

Guest Blog Post | ORGA: The On-Campus Resource that Makes Grant Applications and Grant Management Easier!
This post was written and submitted by the Office of Research and Grants Administration. If your office or department would like us to share updates, information, and/or resources with faculty, as part of our new holistic development focus, please contact Chris Meshanko. We all know that applying for grants can be a real pain. We…