Dear TLT, I am currently in the process of designing my first online course. Do any apps exist that would allow my students to take notes that automatically sync with my lecture videos? Sincerely, Professor R. Hinkley Physics [hr] Dear Professor Hinkley, Congrats on designing your first online course! If we understand you correctly, you are…
Tag Archives: Evernote
Guest Post: Evernote and Remind101 for Teaching and Scholarship
Our guest blogger is Reid Adams, an Assistant Professor in the Teacher Education Department. During the 2013 FTI, we were introduced to a number of iPad applications and given tutorials on how they might be implemented into our courses and in a few case, our research. The applications all seemed interesting, convenient, and relatively easy…
Introducing Evernote to Graduate Students
This week’s FTI Guest Blogger is Dr. Christine Finnan in Teacher Education & Anthropoplogy. Evernote was one of the many tools shared at the 2012 summer Faculty Technology Institute. I began using it after the FTI to clip articles that are relevant to my teaching and research. I like it because it is easy to…