Dear TLT: How Do I Release Final Grades in OAKS?

Dear TLT, This is my first semester at CofC, and a few of my students have told me that they cannot see their final grades in OAKS. How do I release their final grades? Thank you for your help. Sincerely, “The Professor” Roy Hinkley Botany Dear Professor Hinkley, To release final calculated/adjusted grades in OAKS,…

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Dear TLT: How do I Save a Webpage as a PDF?

Dear TLT, A student told me that it’s possible to save a webpage as a PDF in Google Chrome; is that true?  I don’t have Adobe Acrobat on my personal computer, and this would be extremely useful.  Thanks for your help! Sincerely, Professor Vivian Banks African American Studies Dear Professor Banks, Your student is right!  It is…

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Dear TLT: How do I Print a 3D Model for Class?

Dear TLT, I found an amazing model of the Taung Child’s skull, on, and I heard you have a 3D printer for faculty use. How do I request a print? Sincerely, Professor Henry Jones, Jr. Anthropology [hr] Dear Professor Jones, We would love to help you print your model for class! Please take a look…

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