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Tag Archives: collaboration
How to make a paper towel tripod: DIY tutorial
Need help filming yourself? No budget for a tripod? Kentucky artist and film teacher Kathleen Lolley and TLT’s Alea McKinley co-created a tutorial to teach you how to make a tripod for your cell phone using a paper towel roll. Safe, social-distancing was practiced during the collaboration…
Professional Learning Club Applications are OPEN!
The Professional Learning Club (PLC) applications are now open and will close on July 15th so APPLY TODAY! A Professional Learning Club is a group of faculty that meets to collaboratively reflect on and improve their teaching practices. These learning clubs will consist of 4-6 faculty who will take the year to explore, implement, and reflect on specific, empirically-grounded…
Digital scavenger hunts for building class community

Guest Blog Post | ORGA: The On-Campus Resource that Makes Grant Applications and Grant Management Easier!
This post was written and submitted by the Office of Research and Grants Administration. If your office or department would like us to share updates, information, and/or resources with faculty, as part of our new holistic development focus, please contact Chris Meshanko. We all know that applying for grants can be a real pain. We…