The Essential Role of Memory Retrieval in Student Learning

Too often, at professional development workshops or on education blogs, there’s an emphasis on designing courses that encourage students to reach the summit of Bloom’s pyramid.  There’s absolutely nothing inadvisable about helping students analyze, evaluate, and explore.  But in our race to the top, we often overlook the importance of remembering, understanding, and even applying…

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Create Fun Polls and Quizzes with Riddle

Riddle is a FREE web-based tool that allows users to create opinion polls, lists, quizzes, and personality tests.  If you’re familiar with Buzzfeed (your students will be), Riddle allows you to create similar quizzes.  It’s a fun and simple formative assessment tool to engage students, gather their opinions, and gauge their understanding. Cool features of…

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Interested in Formative Assessment Tools?

The following article from eduTOPIA lists five formative assessment tools that you may want to explore . Two of the tools mentioned, Socrative and Kahoot, are tools that TLT have conducted session on in the past and have created step by step tutorials for which can be found at Another tool mentioned, Plickers, is…

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