Adding 3D models into OAKS with SketchFab!

TLT Pumpkin by wolfejg on Sketchfab   SketchFab is the world’s largest platform for immersive and interactive 3D content. More than a million creators have created 3D models across a broad range of topics and categories, including Art & Abstract, Science & Technology and Cultural Heritage & History. You can view and upload models on Windows,…

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App of the Week: Aurasma – Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is a view of a “physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented (or supplemented) by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data.”*  Aurasma is an app that allows you create and view augmented reality experiences.  With this app you can take an image of an actual item in your environment (called a trigger image)…

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Dear TLT: How do I Print a 3D Model for Class?

Dear TLT, I found an amazing model of the Taung Child’s skull, on, and I heard you have a 3D printer for faculty use. How do I request a print? Sincerely, Professor Henry Jones, Jr. Anthropology [hr] Dear Professor Jones, We would love to help you print your model for class! Please take a look…

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