Google+ Hangouts On Air

A Google+ hangout feature that is now available in the CofC Google Apps for Education Suite is Hangouts On Air.  This feature allows you to live broadcast, and record your hangout with just a few clicks. Over the past couple years we have seen the demand for web conferencing in the classroom grow.  Instructors are…

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Faculty Final Exam … Twitter Style

With the end of the 2012-2013 school year approaching, we thought a Final Exam for the CofC Faculty would be fun (and a good distraction from grading exams). Via Twitter, using the hashtag #CofCFacultyFinal, please tell us the most important thing you learned this year as a Faculty at CofC.  All entries are due by…

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An oldie, but a goodie

Another of our FTI 2012 attendees, Dr. Adam Mendelsohn, shares how he decided to  incorporate technology after the FTI. In the semester following the FTI, I spent some time mulling how to incorporate technology into my teaching. I’ve long used digital slide presentations (steering clear of the constricting hand of PowerPoint) and webtools (such as…

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