Using Dropbox in Teaching and Research

For this guest post to the TLT Blog, Dr. Ana Oprisan, who received this year’s CofC Distinguished Teaching Award, reflects on her use of both inside and outside of the classroom: During the summer of 2012, I attended a weeklong session of the summer Faculty Technology Institute (FTI) that presented new potential technologies for…

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Problem Based Learning

Leena Karambelkar attended the Spring 2012 FTI and after that experience decided to try a Problem Based Learning assignment, a strategy that was covered in the FTI.  Here is what she had to say about that decision: PBL:  Empowering students by bringing more creativity, curiosity and interest to my Hindi Language classes Among the methods…

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Using an iPad Keyboard for Math LaTex

The following guest post is from CofC Math Department’s Stephane Lafortune.  As hinted at in the post, his research is highly technical; his most recent work through the NSF is RUI: Stability analysis for soliton solutions of the Vortex Filament Equation and beyond I recently acquired an iPad and then was awarded an Ungrant for the…

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Introducing Evernote to Graduate Students

This week’s FTI Guest Blogger is Dr. Christine Finnan in Teacher Education & Anthropoplogy. Evernote was one of the many tools shared at the 2012 summer Faculty Technology Institute. I began using it after the FTI to clip articles that are relevant to my teaching and research. I like it because it is easy to…

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Screencasting take two

Back in September 2011 Instructional Technologist Mendi Benigni did a post on screen-casting  (simply put, screen-casting is the act of recording the activity on a computer screen. Any action a user makes on their screen can be recorded as a video).  As you leave for the summer and soon start to plan your classes for…

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