Create and Upload a Custom Course Banner in OAKS (D2L)

Our recent OAKS (user interface) upgrade, Daylight, introduced several new features, including course banners. And while course banners can be a great way to generate (initial) interest in your course, they can also confuse students if the system-generated images are unrelated to your content (e.g., architecture, rainbows, mountain landscapes, etc.), as is often the case…

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Flashcards? Yes!

Here are two flashcard creation tools as well as information supporting the use of flashcards and their effectiveness. Recommendation 1: Quizlet Quizlet offers both free and paid version of its web-based tools and is also available on the App Store and Google Play. To learn more about this tool go to And also check…

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Adding 3D models into OAKS with SketchFab!

TLT Pumpkin by wolfejg on Sketchfab   SketchFab is the world’s largest platform for immersive and interactive 3D content. More than a million creators have created 3D models across a broad range of topics and categories, including Art & Abstract, Science & Technology and Cultural Heritage & History. You can view and upload models on Windows,…

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