Create and Upload a Custom Course Banner in OAKS (D2L)

Our recent OAKS (user interface) upgrade, Daylight, introduced several new features, including course banners. And while course banners can be a great way to generate (initial) interest in your course, they can also confuse students if the system-generated images are unrelated to your content (e.g., architecture, rainbows, mountain landscapes, etc.), as is often the case…

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Dear TLT: Can I Embed a VoiceThread Lecture in OAKS Content?

Dear TLT, Is it possible to embed a VoiceThread lecture in OAKS content? I know my students access VoiceThread via the Multimedia Resources widget, to make comments, but what if my lecture is view only? Sincerely, Professor C. Connors Genetic Biology [hr] Dear Professor Connors, Great question! Yes, you can. To embed view-only VoiceThread lectures in OAKS content, follow these eight steps:…

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