App of the Week: Aurasma – Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is a view of a “physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented (or supplemented) by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data.”*  Aurasma is an app that allows you create and view augmented reality experiences.  With this app you can take an image of an actual item in your environment (called a trigger image)…

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TLT’s Distance Education Resources Blog

TLT has a new resource available exclusively for our faculty who teach, or are interested in, online instruction! There are two paths to choose from depending on your role: Choose this path if you: Have never taught online before Have taught online at another institution, but not CofC Plan to teach online at CofC…

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Strategies for Drama-Free Team Projects

Effective collaboration is a foundational skill that is taught as early as kindergarten.  By the time students reach college, one would think they would be expert team players.  Unfortunately, any professor can tell you that’s not usually true.  Students struggle to communicate competently, schedule meeting times, and manage conflict.  This often leads to tearful office…

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