TLT has a new resource available exclusively for our faculty who teach, or are interested in, online instruction! There are two paths to choose from depending on your role: Choose this path if you: Have never taught online before Have taught online at another institution, but not CofC Plan to teach online at CofC…
About: Chris Meshanko
Author Archives: Chris Meshanko
#TLTCon Session Highlight: All About DE
Are you interested in online teaching? Or maybe you’re wondering what others are doing in their online courses? Then these are just some of the sessions for you! Lessons Learned: A Discussion of Successes and Trials in an Online Course Workshop Panelists: Silvia Rodreiguez-Sabater (HISP) Mary Ann Hartshorn (TEDU) Amy Ostrom (TLT) Melissa Thomas (CSL)…
TLT’s Top Tips for Time Management
What are instructors spending time on? Below are the five most mentioned teaching behaviors identified in the research and from the feedback of online instructors. The ranking begins with the teaching activity that involved the highest time commitment, and descends from there. This is not a scientific analysis, but I included the list to provide…
April 2015 Newsletter
Download the full PDF of the April 2015 Newsletter: April 2015 Newsletter Topics for this month include: Designing With Accessibility in Mind, Part 1: The Theory Professional Learning Clubs Teaching Digital Natives And much more! Here is a quick preview (click to download full PDF):…
Designing with Accessibility in Mind, Part 1: The Theory
We have reached that glorious time of year when students are starting to plan for the future (i.e. – register for Fall semester). As we wrap up the current academic year, you may start thinking about the future yourself. What courses will I be teaching next year? How will I do that? What assessments am…