Monitoring Students Online
When you teach on online class, especially an asynchronous online class, it’s easy to “lose” students. If you are an OAKS user, there’s a tool that can help you keep up with your students and help you identify those that may be at risk.
User Progress
The User Progress tool, located in the Classlist in OAKS, allows you to see everything each student has done in the course. You can see what Content items they have clicked on, their discussion posts and replies, all assignments and quizzes posted/taken, even when they logged in last. This is a great one-stop-shop to investigate a student you think may be struggling.
- In your OAKS class, click on Communication > Classlist.
- Locate a student you’d like to look at, and from the dropdown arrow next to their name, choose View Progress.
- The first area shows you an overview of the student.
- Click on a tool from the list on the left and you will see the details for that tool. In the image below you will see the Content section, showing which items were viewed, the number of times they were viewed and the how long they spent on the page.
**Be aware that the time can be misleading. It will not indicate if a student opened it and printed it or if a student opened it and left the document on their screen after they left.**
IMPORTANT NOTE: if a link in Content is set to “Open As An External Resource” (open in a new window) it will not be tracked in View Progress
The Classlist > View Progress area is a great tool that can help you identify those students who may need a push or who may be struggling. Remember, it is just a tool and shouldn’t be the sole measure of online participation.