Cool OAKS Tip to Find At Risk Students

OAKS contains data that will help you know which students may be in trouble.  NOTE: this will only work if you have released the Final Calculated Grade.

  1. In OAKS, go to Communication > Classlist
  2. From the dropdown arrow next to your first student choose View Progress
  3. Above the Grade area for that user you will see three grades, Current, Maximum, Minimum.

The Maximum grade will give you a guide as to how that student will do in your class based on acing all of the remaining assignments in the grade book.

Grades: Minimum F, Current A, Maximum A

Important things to note before this will work properly:

  • Your Final Calculated/Adjusted Grade must be released for the student to view.
  • All of your gradeable items must be in the grade book (Grades > Grades).

Again, it’s a guide that you can use to find the at risk students and to help them make the best decisions.

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