TLThd is launching a new service to all instructors at CofC…CLASS OBSERVATIONS
These observations can be for your face-to-face or your online classes. An instructional technologist will come to your class (or review your OAKS online class) and observe you and your students. At the end of the observation we will provide you with a full report of everything that occurred during the class. You can then use that information however you see fit! The important thing to remember is that this is just for you, no one else. We don’t mention it to your Chairs, Dean, or Colleagues nor will we conduct an observation at the request of anyone else. The only purpose of the observation is to give you the data to allow you to reflect on your teaching and your student interaction.
Currently we are offering In-class, Videotaped, and Student Focus Group observations for the face-to-face classes and a Module Review in the online classes. We hope to expand our online offerings in December.