Teaching With Video: In-class Viewing

Full-length videos and video clips can be very useful in teaching. However, it is important to consider ahead of time what you hope your students will learn from the videos. You will also need to plan out how you will help the students learn, and how you will know whether they have done so. In planning to use video, consider the following three distinct phases:

  • Phase 1: Provide questions (prompts) that focus your students on what you believe is important in the video. Consider why you are having them watch the video, and what you hope they will learn from watching it. You can list the prompts on the board or on a worksheet that you hand out in class or post online before class. You can have students write down their answers or submit them using electronic resources (see below for ideas).
  • Phase 2: Watch the video as a class. Don’t be afraid to stop the video to point out something important if you think it will be useful to the students. Model the engagement with the video that you desire from your students.
  • Phase 3: Debrief as a class or in small groups about the students’ answers to the prompts you gave them. Make sure that they have achieved your goals for having them watch the video.

Credit: https://citl.indiana.edu/teaching-resources/teaching-strategies/effectively-using-video-teaching/

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