These days infographics are all the rage but, while they can deliver a lot of information on one page, they can be a bit boring and sometimes I really need someone to explain the graphic. Biteable now offers a way to have the easy to read and understand statistics and information found in an infographic but with the ability to add the audio explanation.
You start with a template that best describes your presentation. A few examples are:
- Add your stats, graphics, and pick your animations.
- Add your music or voiceover file.
- Share your final product.
Biteable is free but you have to put up with a logo in the lower right corner of your finished product. If you love it and want to purchase a subscription it’s $99/year. For class projects, however I think the free version is more than enough.
- 85,000 Stock Footage Clips
- No Biteable Logo/Watermark
- Download To Your Computer
- Upload Your Own Footage
- Privacy Controls
So the next time you give a presentation, infographic, or elevator pitch to your students, consider suggesting they use Biteable to deliver their information.