Secure Share: Securely Share Files (replaces FileLocker) Available Now! 

Authored by CofC Information Security

What is Secure Share?

Secure Share is a Web-based application, developed by Liquid Files, that allows users to securely and temporarily share files. You can access Secure Share from off campus as long as you have an internet connection.   This is a great way to share files that are too big for email or shouldn’t be sent through email for security reasons.  Secure Share is available to staff and faculty at the College of Charleston. You may also share files with members of the general public.

Use of Secure Share is subject to US Copyright Law, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), College of Charleston policies, and all applicable State and Federal laws. 

 Please note that this is for sharing files temporarily, and files will be deleted after 14 days.

Why replace FileLocker?

FileLocker was developed as freeware by a Purdue University security team more than five years ago. For the last three years, no support or development has occurred for the software. As the product no longer meets information security standards for the College, a new system was installed to allow for secure file transfers. FileLocker will remain available until Jan. 5, 2017.  All files within FileLocker will be purged on 01/05/17 

Get Started!


If you have any questions, please contact the Information Security by emailing


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