Dear TLT: How do I Save a Webpage as a PDF?

Dear TLT,

A student told me that it’s possible to save a webpage as a PDF in Google Chrome; is that true?  I don’t have Adobe Acrobat on my personal computer, and this would be extremely useful.  Thanks for your help!


Professor Vivian Banks
African American Studies

Dear Professor Banks,

Your student is right!  It is possible to save a webpage as a PDF using Google Chrome’s Print… option.  To do this, go to the webpage that you want to save and press CTRL + P (Windows) or ⌘ + P (Mac) to open Chrome’s print dialog.  Next, under Destination, click Change and select Save as PDF.  To save the page, as it appears on your screen*, make sure you select Background graphics under Options and click Save.

*Please note that this works for most HTML webpages.  If the print preview doesn’t look right, try adjusting the layout, paper size and/or margins.


Please contact your instructional technologist, if you have additional questions or concerns, and check out our upcoming training sessions at

Best regards,


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