I wanted to share the article 8 Engaging Ways to use Technology in the Classroom to Create Lessons That Aren’t Boring from EmergingEdTech that offers up some strategies and tools for the classroom at this time because a few ideas noted in the article will be covered by CofC Faculty at the upcoming TLT Conference which takes place March 8, 9, and 10th. There are still a few spaces available so register now at https://goo.gl/oVJf8M
The article mentions Socrative and Plickers. To learn more about these tools register for the Faculty Discovery Lab and Lunch on 3/9 from 11:50-1:15
Google Drive is another tool in the article. CofC has adopted Google apps for Education and Google Drive is available to all faculty and students. There will be a number a session on Google Drive: “Using Google docs for a final project in place of a final exam,” “Introducing Students to Collaboration Using Google Docs,” “Improve Collaboration and Efficiency with Google Docs” as well as “E-portfolios, Google Sites and Digital Projects,” and Using Blogger for Class Notes.” Check the Conference Schedule for dates and times.
PollEverywhere is listed in the article and although there will not be a session on it at the upcoming conference I think it is important to note that CofC does have a educational license to PollEverywhere. To learn more about it and view step by step tutorials visit: http://blogs.charleston.edu/tlttutorials/2013/09/10/poll-everywhere/
Like PollEveyerywhere, both Twitter and PowToon make an appearance in the article and are not featured sessions at the Conference, but TLT has created step by step instructions for these tools and if you would like to learn more about them contact your Instructional Technologist.