#TLTCon Session Highlight: All About DE

Are you interested in online teaching?  Or maybe you’re wondering what others are doing in their online courses?

Then these are just some of the sessions for you!


Lessons Learned: A Discussion of Successes and Trials in an Online Course

Workshop Panelists:

  • Silvia Rodreiguez-Sabater (HISP)
  • Mary Ann Hartshorn (TEDU)
  • Amy Ostrom (TLT)
  • Melissa Thomas (CSL)

This interactive panel discussion is designed to hear the experiences from multiple online instructors from College of Charleston as they designed and taught their courses for the first time. A portion of the discussion will be opened to the audience to ask questions and turn from a panel to a round table discussion on issues relating to Distance Education.


Online Course Assessment

Workshop presenter:

  • Doug Ferguson (COMM), Faculty Coordinator for Distance Education

Faculty at the College of Charleston complete the DE Readiness course before they teach online, but how are the online courses that they develop assessed for quality after faculty complete their training? A quality rubric is presently required of all applicants for an online course development stipend. Developed by Amy Ostrom and Jannette Finch, the rubric is a self-assessing, formative measure intended to reinforce the best practices learned in the Readiness course. This session presents detail about the rubric and entertains questions from the audience regarding online course quality at the College of Charleston.


If you are interested in these sessions be sure to register for TLTCon, March 8th-10th, 2016.

Come to one session or come to them all! Whatever works best for you and your schedule.

For more information, visit our Eventbrite Page or the TLTCon Page on our blog.

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