Which CofC survey tool should I use? Google forms or Qualtrics?

The College provides two survey tools for faculty at no cost; Google Forms and Qualtrics.

Google Forms is part of CofC’s Google Apps for Education that is available to all faculty, staff and students .  You can plan events, make a survey or poll, or collect other information in an easy, streamlined way with Google Forms. You can create a form from Google Drive or from an existing spreadsheet that can record the responses to your form.

For information on activating your CofC Google apps account visit http://blogs.charleston.edu/it/tag/google-apps/. And for instructions on how to create a survey using Google forms visit  https://goo.gl/p9rFVk

The Qualtrics Research Suite is a survey software available to all faculty, staff and students at the College of Charleston, to fulfill a variety of research needs. Qualtrics can be used to build surveys, distribute surveys, and analyze responses, all within the Qualtrics Research Suite.

For more information about Qualtrics, visit http://oiep.cofc.edu/qualtrics/

But which one of these tools would be best for you?  For a side by side comparison of features visit http://www.analyzo.com/product-comparisons/108/Google-Forms/277/Qualtrics/28 

Disregard the information about “Plan” since both of these are free to CofC Faculty and Staff .   Also disregard the information about “Help and Support” because you can contact your Instructional Technologist for questions about Google Forms and should contact Cara Dombroski  at CofC for questions about Qualtrics.






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