Welcome Back Faculty

We are excited to have you, our faculty, back as we get ready to start another semester.  As you are diving into your new classes don’t forget about TLT; we are here to help.  helpWhile TLT is well known for assisting with technology in teaching, we can help with pedagogical problems/questions as well.  Just schedule a one-on-one consultation with your Instructional Technologist to discuss any instructional needs you have.

In addition to one-on-one consultations TLT also offers other great opportunities that you can take advantage of.  Opportunities such as:

Weekly small group training sessions – these 1 hour professional development sessions are themed and designed to introduce you to new tools and strategies to help you better reach your students.  Our weekly training sessions are offered by online and face-to-face.  Here are this semester’s themes:

Disaster Preparedness • Student Media Projects • Flipping Your Classroom • Increasing Student Engagement • Maximizing Google Apps • Assessment and Productivity • Distance Education • Innovative Technologies • OAKS Integrations

Tons of online tutorials – for those of you who prefer to learn on your own time, we offer both video and text-based tutorials on a myriad topics and tools.

So as the semester progresses don’t forget to take advantage of the services offered by TLT and your Instructional Technologists!

welcome back


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