Assess Student Presentations with Acclaim

What is Acclaim?

Acclaim is a web platform which facilitates asynchronous discussion around video content. Students and instructors can add time-stamped comments that link to moments in each video. Each comment is clickable, and once clicked, the video will jump to the relevant moment in the video.  Students can see and respond to comments at any time.

Users add videos to Acclaim in one of three different ways:

  1. By embedding YouTube or Vimeo videos;
  2. By uploading video files stored on a hard drive or mobile device; and
  3. By using the built-in webcam feature to create and upload a video in real time.

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How could I use Acclaim?

  1. Assessing student presentations.
  2. Peer evaluations of presentations.
  3. Self-evaluations of presentations.
  4. In flipped classrooms during which students watch video lectures outside of class.

Acclaim would be an ideal tool in courses that involve any type of oral presentations, demonstrations, or performances.

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Why should I use Acclaim?

Watching one’s own recorded presentation and reading evaluations from peers and instructors can be an excellent way to identify strengths and weaknesses, and thus improve one’s future performances.  Self-assessment encourages critical reflection, increased awareness of skills, and goal setting while peer-assessment develops empathy and encourages students to reflect on their own work while evaluating others.

Acclaim provides a free and simple platform that facilitates such self, peer, and instructor assessment.

Cost:  Free

Application:  Web-based;

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