Dear TLT: What’s the Best Way to Access VoiceThread?

Dear TLT,

I just discovered VoiceThread, and I love it!  What is the best way to access VoiceThread and share my presentations (with my students)?


Professor S. Snape


Dear Professor Snape,

We love VoiceThread too!  With our site license, you no longer have to log on to  Instead, you can go through the Multimedia Resources widget on your “course” homepage (in OAKS).


This will take you directly to your MyVoice page.  It will also create a course folder under College of Charleston (on the left).  Please encourage your students to access VoiceThread in the same manner.


To share a VoiceThread with your students, simply left-click (and hold) on it and drag it over to the appropriate course folder.  The folder will turn yellow when selected.


A message will appear once the VoiceThread has been successfully copied to the folder.


Don’t forget to let your students know when you post a new VoiceThread to the course folder via an OAKS News Item or email.

Please contact your instructional technologist, if you have any questions or concerns, and check out our upcoming VoiceThread training sessions at

Best regards,



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