Getting Your Semester Started in OAKS!!!!

Welcome Back!

Just a few reminders to help you start your semester:

Rolling your OAKS Class

Don’t forget if you’ve taught a class before using OAKS then you can copy all of the content, quizzes, assignments, etc. from your old class into your new class.  The instructions are available on the TLT Tutorials blog at

Crosslisting your OAKS Classes

If you teach multiple sections of the same course you can combine them into one OAKS shell.  This way you only have to post items once and the students in all cross listed sections can see it.   To have your classes cross listed just complete the form located on the OAKS Homepage under OAKS Requests > Request to Crosslist.  NOTE:  try to do this before the start of the semester as it becomes confusing for the students and you risk losing student work if you do it after.

OAKS Training

If you’re new to OAKS and wondering what to do TLT will be holding training sessions throughout the start of the semester.  For a full listing of all the TLT training sessions check out

Adding a Fake Student to your OAKS Class

If you use Release Conditions, Dropbox assignments or Quizzes then you may want to get a Fake Student account.  This allows you to experience your course as a real student would.  To add a Fake Student complete the form located on the OAKS Homepage under OAKS Requests > Request a User be added to your OAKS Course > Fake Student.

Adding a Librarian to your OAKS Class

If you have a research component to your course then don’t forget that you can add a CofC Librarian to your OAKS class.  The librarian will work with you to customize a research agenda for your students and your specific subject matter.  It’s a wonderful resource.  To add a Librarian complete the form located on the OAKS Homepage under OAKS Requests > Request a Librarian.


As always, if you have any questions or problems contact your Instructional Technologist!

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