Welcome back to campus! After logging in to check on your courses in OAKS, you may have noticed that the course organization may have changed on your homepage in OAKS. While this may not be true for everyone, some of you may now see a list of 25 last accessed courses rather than the semester headings in OAKS. If this is the case, please note the following options that you have for searching the courses and gaining quick access.
A built in function of OAKS is to display the last 25 accessed courses once your course list grows greater than 50 courses and this removes the semester headings. This is done to conserve space in the My Courses widget on the My Home screen. Your courses for Fall semester should be populated and below are a few recommendations for accessing your course(s) from your course list.
Option 1
1. From the My Courses Widget, in the search field, to the right of “Last 25 Accessed Courses” enter your course CRN number and click the search button.
2. This will return results for courses matching the CRN number.
3. Fall 2013 courses will have a CRN number with a suffix of 201410.
Option 2
1. From the My Courses Widget, without entering a course CRN, click the search button. This will return all of your courses with sortable headings.
2. Click the Semester heading to sort in ascending or descending order.
3. Fall 2013 courses will be found after the Summer and Spring 2013 courses (sorts alphabetically by year).
Please note that you can request old courses be removed from the course list by emailinghelpdesk@cofc.edu with the course CRN number (ex. 30248.201330). If you request to remove courses you will no longer have access to the content/material within that course.
As an additional option, you can pin courses to the navigation bar in OAKS. This will allow you to have quick access to frequently used courses. Pinned courses will always show at the top of the dropdown list under Select a Course in the navigation bar.
- When you are on the OAKS homepage, click on the dropdown arrow next to Select a Course in the upper left hand corner.
- A dropdown menu will appear listing all of your courses in OAKS. You have the ability to sort this list by last accessed or by course name.
- To pin a specific course to the top of the list, click the grey pushpin icon. The icon will turn orange and the course will be highlighted in blue.
- To unpin a specific course from the top of the list, click on the orange pushpin icon. The icon will turn grey and the course will no longer be highlighted. Once unpinned, the course will be sorted according to the filter you have indicated and not automatically show at the top of the list.