Addlestone Library renovations begin March 2014

The College of Charleston is proud to announce that beginning in March 2014 the Addlestone Library will undergo a major renovation project to increase study spaces for our students and shelving for our collections.

The major construction phase of the renovation will take place during the summer, with completion in time for the start of the Fall 2014 semester. During the renovation, the 2nd and 3rd floors of the library will be closed to Faculty, Staff, Students, and community patrons while the new mobile shelving is installed. The vast majority of our collection (CofC Stacks and Periodicals) will also be unavailable during the renovation. The 1st floor will be open throughout the summer and all of its services will be uninterrupted.

For more details and updates, please visit the Addlestone Library renovation page.

C of C closes Due to Weather

Due to a winter weather storm and a directive from the Governor’s Office and the state Emergency Management Department, The College of Charleston will be closed on Wednesday, February 12. All classes and events are cancelled for the entire day. Please check the college web page at for updates.

Posted in SCS

Printing update 1/24/14

Students appear to be printing using the work-around in place with little or no problems. The vendor is still analyzing the data after yesterday’s system failure. Unfortunately still no resolution on the printing issue. The current system will stay in place over the weekend. Please see the information desk if you encounter any problems. I will publish another update on Monday.

Have a good weekend.

Printing Update 1/22/14

As of today, we seem to be closer to finding the cause of the problem with the printing system; however, we still don’t have a fix. Without being too technical, IT along with the vendor have identified where problems are and are trying to find the source of the file damage. In the meantime, students may still print. Please help us, the environment and your fellow students by only clicking the print button once for each print job unless you intend to make multiple copies. I will continue to blog and tweet at least one update per day @JamesWilliamsI2 until the problem is resolved. Also feel free to email me at with any questions and concerns or submit comments here.


This is a CougarAlert: There has been a release of a hazardous material on the College of Charleston campus. If you are in the vicinity, prepare immediately for possible evacuation. All others should keep at a safe distance so that emergency units and hazmat teams can work unimpeded. Follow instructions from university officials or local authorities. More information will be posted at

Posted in SCS

Attention holiday shoppers

Since the holiday season is upon us, Information Technology (IT) would like to remind shoppers that not all consumer devices function well, or at all, on an enterprise network such as CofC. We hope that this information will help minimize any instances where devices are purchased but are not compatible with the CofC enterprise network. Android and iOS phones and tablets are supported and work properly on the College network.

Specific devices that IT knows will NOT function as they do at home, or at all, on the College wired and wireless networks are:

Apple TV, Chromecast, and ROKU streaming media devices
Base level Kindle readers
Wireless printers (client mode)
Wireless backup and network storage devices (client mode)

The items listed below are NOT permitted on the College network. (These devices actually have the ability to degrade network performance and cause instability and/or interference in the wireless and wired networks.)

Wireless Routers
Network Routers
Network Switches
Network Hubs
Wireless Printers (Ad hoc mode)
Wireless Projectors (Ad hoc mode)
Wireless backup and network storage devices (Ad hoc mode)

If you have questions about specific devices contact the Helpdesk at for more information.