Win an Apple iPad

Win a 16GB Apple iPad by answering questions about IT services at the College of Charleston!

This survey is designed and administered by the TechQual+ service and research project and will close 5 p.m. Friday, November 9.  The anonymity of your response is assured by TechQual+ and only one response per person can be submitted.

After completing the survey on the TechQual website, you will be directed back to the College of Charleston webpage to enter your name and email address if interested in a chance to win.

By responding to the TechQual+ survey, you tell us where improvements are needed. TechQual+ assists leadership in better understanding the technology needs of the College of Charleston community. Responses to the survey will help support project priorities. The survey tool asks questions in the following areas:

  • Connectivity and Access
  • Technology and Collaboration Services
  • Support and Training

It will ask you to provide evaluations regarding minimum expectation levels, desired service levels, and perceived service levels for 13 core commitments.

Please click the link below to participate.  Your participation will allow the College of Charleston to measure its progress year after year and will allow comparisons to be made between Information Technology at the College and other universities. Completing the survey will require approximately 20 minutes.

You may also login to MyCharleston to access this survey and then enter to win the Apple iPad. You will find a link to the TechQual survey on the Home tab of MyCharleston.

Additional information about TechQual+ can be found at Higher Education TechQual+ Project

If you have questions about the survey, please contact HelpDesk at or 953-3375.

Nationwide Earthquake Drill


So, Today, Oct 18th at 10:18 am everyone on campus is asked to DROP, COVER, and HOLD ON!

This means get on the floor, get under a sturdy object if you can, if you can’t cover your head and move against an inside wall, and then hold on to whatever protection you have.

The drill will only last a minute and then you can resume your normal activity.

There won’t be an alarm sounded so it is up to YOU to participate!


Want to find out more about earthquakes in Charleston or see damage on campus from the 1886 earthquake?

Lecture: Why Shakeout? Earthquake Risk in Charleston: Thurs, Oct 18 @ 4pm in SSMB 129

College Earthquake Walking Tour: Thurs, Oct 18 @ 5pm (leaving from SSMB Atrium)


Earthquake safety myths:

1)      You should run outside!  NO, during an earthquake the majority of people are injured or killed by debris falling off the outside of buildings.  Also, during a bad earthquake the ground will be moving so much you will likely fall and hurt yourself.

2)      Move into a doorway.  Modern doorways are NO safer than anywhere else and with doors in them you are likely to just get hit by the door.

3)      You won’t have time to think about what to.   Yes, Earthquakes hit hard and fast and can be over in as little as 15 seconds.  There is no time to think about what to do.  Drills help you remember!

Campuswide Printing Unavailable

Our campuswide printing service is unavailable while we work to resolve issues with the print server. Until the issue is resolved, you will not be able to print to our printers from your personal computer. Printing from the computers in the Addlestone Library computer lab should be unaffected.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

UPDATE: service has been temporarily restored but may be intermittent.

Wireless problems on campus

The wireless problem should be resolved at this time.

The college is currently having problems with the wireless network on campus.  Network engineering is working to resolve this issue, but we don’t have an estimated time that it will be available.  We will update this post when it becomes available again.

Addlestone library closed this weekend

As part of our first floor renovation project, the library will be closed on Saturday and Sunday, July 21 and 22.

We will resume regular hours of operation  on Monday July 23 at 7:30 am.  Renovation work will  continue thru mid- August so we appreciate your patience with us for the next few weeks. During the renovations,

  • A member of the Circulation team will be at the Calhoun Street entrance to answer questions.
  • The media in the teaching collection is on the second floor.
  • Rivers Green entrance is closed.
  • The Circulation “desk” (check out books, pay fines, course reserves, etc.) is temporarily on the second floor.
  • The “mini” computer lab and Information “desk” are on third floor – Reading Room overlooking Rivers Green (next to the Graduate Study Room).

Our library staff are happy to help you locate materials, answer questions or provide assistance in any way. Please ask us.

Print From Your Computer !

  1. The Addlestone Library and Information Technology are testing a new service where you can print from your computer and pick up the print job in the Addlestone Library computer lab.  You will need to download the client software for your computer in order to do this, but there are some restrictions on this service that you need to be aware of.
  • Use the on-campus secure networks. (Not from cofc-guest)
  • It works on Windows computers, but it does not currently support OSX Lion (10.7) .  It does work for Snow Leopard (10.6) on intel based macs
  • You can print from anywhere on campus where you can get wireless signal — The library, a classroom, Rivers Green, your dorm room via resnet because that is part of the on-campus network
  • It only supports computers, so no printing from your phones and/or tablets
  • You must be an administrator on the computer


Test your current location’s availability by clicking this link

(Clicking above should open a window with a graphic in it.  If you can see the graphic, you should be able to print.)


The way the process works is that you download the client software below.   Save this file to the desktop, and then each time you want to print using our printers, simply double click on this file.  This will open a connection to our server, download the printer information to your computer and install a printer on your computer.  Simply use this printer and it will prompt you for your MyCharleston username and password just like when you are in the computer lab. After you have printed what you need to print, click on the “Stop Print Client” button in the LPT One window and it will remove the printer from your computer.

Once you have submitted a job, you have 24 hours to release your print job to the library printers.  If you don’t pick it up during that time, it is automatically deleted.


Download the Windows Client

  1. We recommend you download the file to your desktop by right clicking on the above link and choosing ‘save as’ from the menu.  The filename you are looking for to start LPT One will be “ClientLauncher

Download the Mac Client

  1. We recommend you download the file to your desktop by right clicking on the above link and choosing ‘save as’ from the menu. The filename you are looking for is “LPT One Mobile Print Client“.  You can find it easily by clicking the search icon in the upper right hand menu bar and type in ‘LPT One


Print From Your Computer !

  1. The Addlestone Library and Information Technology are testing a new service where you can print from your computer and pick up the print job in the Addlestone Library computer lab.  You will need to download the client software for your computer in order to do this, but there are some restrictions on this service that you need to be aware of.
  • Use the on-campus secure networks. (Not from cofc-guest)
  • It works on Windows computers, but it does not currently support OSX Lion (10.7) .  It does work for Snow Leopard (10.6) on intel based macs
  • You can print from anywhere on campus where you can get wireless signal — The library, a classroom, Rivers Green, your dorm room via resnet because that is part of the on-campus network
  • It only supports computers, so no printing from your phones and/or tablets
  • You must be an administrator on the computer


Test your current location’s availability by clicking this link

(Clicking above should open a window with a graphic in it.  If you can see the graphic, you should be able to print.)


The way the process works is that you download the client software below.   Save this file to the desktop, and then each time you want to print using our printers, simply double click on this file.  This will open a connection to our server, download the printer information to your computer and install a printer on your computer.  Simply use this printer and it will prompt you for your MyCharleston username and password just like when you are in the computer lab. After you have printed what you need to print, click on the “Stop Print Client” button in the LPT One window and it will remove the printer from your computer.

Once you have submitted a job, you have 24 hours to release your print job to the library printers.  If you don’t pick it up during that time, it is automatically deleted.


Download the Windows Client

  1. We recommend you download the file to your desktop by right clicking on the above link and choosing ‘save as’ from the menu.  The filename you are looking for to start LPT One will be “ClientLauncher

Download the Mac Client

  1. We recommend you download the file to your desktop by right clicking on the above link and choosing ‘save as’ from the menu. The filename you are looking for is “LPT One Mobile Print Client“.  You can find it easily by clicking the search icon in the upper right hand menu bar and type in ‘LPT One


Internet services have been restored.

Internet service has been restored to normal.

A brief explanation of what happened is provided below:

Last week an Engineer at an upstream Internet Service Provider (ISP) in Atlanta introduced a new circuit between devices that ultimately serve the College of Charleston. Engineers at one of the College’s local Internet providers were unaware of the changes made in Atlanta and the conflict that had been created regarding how messages should be optimally directed toward the College of Charleston. As a result, there was conflict about how best to route information over the Internet to and from the College.  This resulted in the delay in receipt of our Internet transmissions or in some cases the non-delivery of the transmission.

Once the issue was identified and corrected, it then took approximately 36 hours for the corrective routing to become effective throughout the Internet.

Compounding the effect, the College is generally utilizing its available Internet resources to the max.  Information Technology has two major projects underway to double our Internet capacity and to replace the campus core switches as well as those devices providing Internet connectivity to the campus.  IT targets completion of both of these projects by the start of the Fall 2012 semester.

You can read more about how internet paths are decided on a technical level at

Internet Connectivity Problems

We are currently experiencing internet problems with our primary internet service provider. We are aware of the slowdowns you are experiencing and are working with the provider to resolve them as quickly as we can.

Thank you for your patience while we resolve this issue.