Apple releases the latest version of OSX and what it means for you

Apple released the latest version of OSX, 10.9 (Mavericks) on October 22nd.  Because it is so new, we have not had a chance to test it with CampusWide printing.  We have only seen one computer running it so far and that one did not work with our system, so we don’t recommend upgrading to OSX 10.9 until we have had time to test it thoroughly and the manufacturer of the printing software we use has a chance to release updates to ensure compatibility.

If you do upgrade your Mac to the latest version, you may not be able to print through our system and may have to email files to yourself and then log into a lab computer to print them.

There is also the possibility that it may have issues connecting to our wireless network, although that is less likely because the wireless network technology we use is commonly used.  We will let you know if we find any other issues during our testing of this new technology.

Win an iPad or windows tablet

Win a 16GB Apple iPad or a Dell Latitude 10 Windows tablet by answering questions about IT services at the College of Charleston!

Check your email for a message from HelpDesk regarding the TechQual+ Project to get your unique survey ID number.  You will be directed to the following link  Simply enter your survey ID number to begin the survey.

Individuals who complete this assessment in its entirety will be entered into a drawing to win their choice of an Apple iPad or a Dell Latitude 10 Windows tablet. One winner will be randomly selected and notified before December 2, 2013.

The survey is designed and administered by the TechQual+ service and research project and will close 5 p.m. Friday, November 8.  The anonymity of your response is assured by TechQual+ and only one response per person can be submitted.

By responding to the TechQual+ survey, you tell us where improvements are needed. TechQual+ assists leadership in better understanding the technology needs of the College of Charleston community. Responses to the survey will help support project priorities. The survey tool asks questions in the following areas:

  • Connectivity and Access
  • Technology and Collaboration Services
  • Support and Training

It will ask you to provide evaluations regarding minimum expectation levels, desired service levels, and perceived service levels for 13 core commitments.

Your participation will allow the College of Charleston to measure its progress year after year and will allow comparisons to be made between Information Technology at the College and other universities. Completing the survey will require approximately 10 minutes.

Additional information about TechQual+ can be found at Higher Education TechQual+ Project.  Last years results can be found at the IT website.

If you have questions about the survey, please contact HelpDesk at or 953-3375.

Introducing OAKS Version 10 – Coming December 18th!

The new version of OAKS that will be available December 18th!  This new version contains user interface changes for a more intuitive experience for all users.  There are also new features and functions in some of the most popular tools including Dropbox, Discussions, and Grades.

To help you and your students make a smooth transition to the new interface Student Computing Support and the Library have created new OAKS student tutorials for version 10Feel free to link or embed our student tutorials in your courses! Tutorials include:

  1. OAKS Overview for Students – Logging in and Course Navigation (v10)
    This tutorial contains instructions for logging in to OAKS, a navigation overview, and a brief description of the tools featured in the OAKS version 10 upgrade. Topics covered include My Home, My Course pages, and Navigation Bar tools. Information on where to find additional student tutorials on how to use OAKS and resources/contact information for finding assistance when experiencing difficulties with OAKS is also included.
  2. OAKS Overview for Students – Course Content (v10)
    Topics covered include viewing, bookmarking, downloading, and printing course content.
  3. OAKS Overview for Students – Communication Tools: Chat, Classlist, Discussions (v10)
    Topics covered include viewing the Classlist, sending email from OAKS, composing and replying to Discussions, and subscribing to Discussions via email and text.
  4. OAKS Student Overview – Grades Tools: Checklist, Dropbox, Grades, Quizzes and Surveys (v10)
    Topics covered include viewing a Checklist, downloading and submitting assignments using the Dropbox, viewing the grade book, taking and submitting a quiz using the Quizzes tool, and viewing the Surveys tool.
  5. OAKS Student Overview – Management Tools: Attendance, Calendar, and Groups (v10)
    Topics covered include viewing Attendance Registers, viewing and adding tasks to the Calendar, viewing groups, and self-enrolling in Instructor created Groups.

These OAKS student tutorials are also available on the OAKS Support Blog, the Library YouTube Channel, and in our Ask Us! Knowledgebase in the OAKS category!

Have a great break.  We look forward to seeing all of you in the New Year!

Helpdesk phone support hours over Thanksgiving break

Helpdesk will close for the Thanksgiving holiday at 5:00 pm Wednesday November 21st and resume normal operation at 2:00 pm Sunday November 25th.

Helpdesk Thanksgiving Hours

  • Wednesday, November 21          7:30 am – 5:00 pm
  • Thursday, November 22               Closed
  • Friday, November 23                    Closed
  • Saturday, November 24                Closed
  • Sunday, November 25                   2:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Annual Library User Survey

The Addlestone library is conducting its annual user survey from November 5st until November 22th and we encourage your participation.

Please take the time to let the library know what “you” need and what you think.  Your feedback will help us shape the future of the library and its service to the college community.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

New Extended IT Helpdesk Telephone Support Hours

IT Helpdesk is pleased to announce new extended support hours beginning November 5, 2012. These extended hours will be staffed by student employees primarily to address student account/password issues.  For security reasons student employees will be limited on the support they can provide to faculty and staff. Please note student employees will not have the ability to change Faculty or Staff passwords.  As always an on call technician will be available for faculty and staff emergencies. After-hours classroom support will remain unchanged.

IT Helpdesk will be available Monday – Friday between the hours of 7:30am and 5:00pm for all needs. After-hours support for students with limited support for faculty and staff will be available Monday – Friday from 5:00 p. m. to 10:00 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. After hours classroom support will continue to be available Monday – Thursday from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.


New Helpdesk Telephone Hours

Number:  843.953.3375

Monday  – Friday

7:30 am – 10:00 pm

Saturday & Sunday

2:00 pm – 10:00 pm