William Bares
My latest research explores ways to make mathematics and computing more accesible to young people so as to broaden participation in computing by women and other underrepresented populations. I am currently developing and evaluating new contextualized web-based ways to teach computing via visual arts and film. I recently led a six-year longitudinal study to measure the impact of our Computing in the Arts curriculum on broadening participation of women in computing. This work has been published in ACM SIGCSE 2019 and ACM SIGGRAPH Educators Forum 2019.
I am also involving undergraduates and gifted high school students in Artificial Intelligence research that seeks to augment human creativity and productivity in formation of visual narrative through use of web-based crowdsourcing tools that we have developed, including Film Ties and Story Blocker.
My teaching and mentoring work supports the Computing in the Arts Program by teaching a contextualized CS One-Half course in animation, the Game Programming course (required for all CITA majors), and, most importantly, I mentor junior and senior CITA capstone projects.
Contact Information:
e-mail: bareswh[AT]cofc.edu
office phone: 843-953-6601
Fall 2019 Office Hours: M/W 12:30-1:30 pm and Tu/Th 12:30-2:00 pm, or by appointment