On February 2nd Prof. Lei Jin and Piotr Gibas hosted a Dumpling Party celebrating the Chinese New Year! Students had a great time making and eating dumplings in the Stern Center.
Category: Chinese
Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program application for 2022
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, the CLS program is an intensive overseas language and cultural immersion program for American students enrolled at U.S. colleges and universities. Students spend eight to ten weeks abroad studying one of 15 critical languages, including Bangla, Hindi, Punjabi, and Urdu. The CLS programs in India are operated by the American Institute of Indian Studies.
The program includes intensive language instruction and structured cultural enrichment experiences designed to promote rapid language gains. Most languages offered by the CLS Program (9 of 15) do not require applicants to have any experience studying critical languages.
The program includes intensive language instruction and structured cultural enrichment experiences designed to promote rapid language gains. To help students understand the program and application process, the Program offered a webinar on the Indic Programs as well as a short video discussing some application tips

2019 Asian Studies Student Awards Ceremony
Congratulations to all of our students that received awards at the Asian Studies Awards Ceremony!
John Van Dyke
Madison McCormick
Maelouise Sparrow
Julius Walton
Aika Ishimori
Kenni Ojediran
Blair Horton
Mary Catherine Manning
Jake Peller
Merrianna Robinson
Tuesday Fig
Phoebe Gould
Edward Ip
Leanne Lusk
Anna Louise Margeson
Maddison Rogers
Madison McCormick – Critical Language Scholarship recipient
Madison McCormick was awarded the Critical Language Scholarship Program for 2019. She is an intelligent and hard working student. She majors in International Business with a minor in Asian Studies. She is also a member of the Honors College. She will go to Xi’an, China, for a two-month summer program.
The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program is an intensive overseas language and cultural immersion program for American students enrolled at U.S. colleges and universities. The program includes intensive language instruction and structured cultural enrichment experiences designed to promote rapid language gains.
Alumni Sergio Martinez is a culinary “Foreign Hero” in China
Alumni Sergio Martinez ’15 has been featured in The College Today for his notoriety at Carrefour in southern China!
Martinez studied Chinese here at CofC among many other things and credits his success in Chinese to professors Piotr Gibas and Lei Jin.
Check out the full article here.
Olivetti Posy – Critical Language Scholarship recipient
Miss Olivetti Posy was awarded the Critical Language Scholarship Program, 2018. Miss Olivetti is a intelligent and hard working students. She has been taking Chinese language courses for four semesters. She majors in mathematics with a concentration in actuarial studies. She would like to apply her language skill in work with the numbers used to calculate currency exchanges, money transfers between businesses in China and the United States, or analyze the data of the Chinese and United States economies. Posy will enroll in a program in Shanghai this summer.
The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program is an intensive overseas language and cultural immersion program for American students enrolled at U.S. colleges and universities. The program includes intensive language instruction and structured cultural enrichment experiences designed to promote rapid language gains.