On Thursday, October 3, I saw As It Is In Heaven at the Emmett Robinson Theatre in the Simons Center. The play, written by Arlene Hutton and directed by Beth Lincks, depicts the life of the Shaker community in Pleasant Hill, Kentucky. The production featured a small cast performing on a very basic set that acted as both an indoor and outdoor environment. Initially, the play didn’t seem to have any clear plot. Things just happened and nothing really made sense. As it progressed, however, points came together and I understood the underlying meanings.
As far as management goes, one issue I noticed was the long line to get tickets. Both people who payed online and those who were just buying their tickets were crammed together into one line, causing the play to start a few minutes late. Perhaps there could have been separate lines for each. Other than that, everything else went smoothly. I would recommend this play to anyone with an interest in theater. It integrates history, music, and humor into one production and is easily entertaining to a wide array of audiences.