Archives For November 30, 1999
The Archaeology Program is pleased to announce a public lecture by Dr. Michael Galaty, professor and head of Anthropology and Middle Eastern Cultures at Mississippi Sate University.
“From Plain to Plateau: The Origin of Social Complexity in Northern Albania”. Friday, March 24, 4:00 in Simons 309.
Research in northern Albania is shedding light upon the origins of social complexity, in particular upon the role of inter-regional interaction. Research conducted in the Albanian Alps, the Shkodra plain, and planned investigations on the Dukagjin Plateau in Kosovo highlight the role of interactions between groups inhabiting different ecological zones within the processes of complex social development and the negotiation of identity over the course of human history. Data generated by these various projects inform models of social complexity elsewhere in Europe, and elsewhere in the world.
Dr. Galaty is a former academic trustee of the Archaeological Institute of America, the author of dozens of seminal books and articles on emergent social systems, and recipient of significant grants and awards for his teaching and research.
Sponsored by the Archaeology Club, the Program in Archaeology, the Department of Classics, and the South Carolina Society of the Archaeological Institute of America.
You can read more here:
We will also pull some items from our collection to be displayed in the lobby outside of the auditorium that evening.