“A Stone is Nobody’s” Russell Edson Prompt 3. Pay attention to the way the lines are constructed in the poem. How does the use of enjambment, line length, end-stops, caesuras, meter or syllabics, and/or rhyme work to enhance or enact meaning in the poem? The poem “A Stone is Nobody’s” is a clear example of […]
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Narrative Technique in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Though not nearly of complex a read as As I Lay Dying by Faulkner, Phillip K. Dick does try to create a little bit of his own version of stream-of-conciousness narration in a more relaxed way. This story is told in third person narration (limited omniscient) about the two main characters the reader is following around for the […]
tableaux vivants in the modern age
In chapter 12 of the first book in Edith Wharton’s House of Mirth we see the portrayal of a “tableaux vivants”. The scene which this occurs appears to be as part of a social gathering, a party of sorts. It appears to be an occurrence in which a group of living people portray a socially well-known […]

Gillian Anderson and Lily Bart
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj_f7P6V-5c Gillian Anderson has always been a wonderful actress. And I absolutely adore her in everything she has been in, like the television shows The X-Files and The Fall- except this movie. She is not the Lily I had pictured, and doesn’t hold the character in the regard Lily deserved. There’s no doubt that she […]