This novel is a complex novel that covers racism in almost every light, north and south, light and dark. In this novel however, there is a stark difference in the racism our narrator experiances in Harlem, rather than in the deep south. In Harlem he is littered with micro-aggressions. The most prominent example being in […]
Author Archive | sanderstb
Giovanni as a bartender: Alcohol’s role in the novel
In the very first few pages we, the readers are introduced to Giovanni, but only through the narrator. We are only informed of his presence through the mystical and erotic hold he has over the narrator. Immediately we want to know more and we don’t have to wait long. In the second chapter Jaques and […]
tableaux vivants in the modern age
In chapter 12 of the first book in Edith Wharton’s House of Mirth we see the portrayal of a “tableaux vivants”. The scene which this occurs appears to be as part of a social gathering, a party of sorts. It appears to be an occurrence in which a group of living people portray a socially well-known […]