
Kerrigan, K. L., & Ali, K. (2019). Application of Landsat 8 OLI for monitoring the coastal waters of the US Virgin Islands. International Journal of Remote Sensing.

Mayer, C & Ali, K. A. (2017). Field Spectroscopy as a Tool for Enhancing Water Quality Monitoring in the ACE Basin, SC. Journal of SC water resources.

Ali, K. A., Ortiz, J., Bonini, N., Shuman, M., & Sydow, C. (2016). Application of Aqua MODIS sensor data for estimating chlorophyll a in the turbid Case 2 waters of Lake Erie using bio-optical models. GIScience & Remote sensing Journal, 53(4), pp.483-505

Ryan, K., & Ali, K. (2016). Application of a partial least-squares regression model to retrieve chlorophyll-a. Ocean Science Journal, 51(2), 209-221

Kerrigan, K. L., & Ali, K. (2016). Development of a regional bio-optical model for water quality assessment in the US Virgin Islands. Ocean Science meeting- New Orleans

Hollister, K., Ortiz, J., *Avouris, D., Ali, A., & Kerrigan, K. (2016). Historic Water Quality Trends in the US Virgin Islands and Future Implications on Coral Reef Health, KSU

Ali, K. A. (2015). Monitoring the effect of watershed development and climate on coral reefs in the US Virgin Islands using satellite based sensors. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco

Fink, Sam, Ali, K.A. (2015). “Classification and change detection of land cover types in St. Thomas, US. Virgin Islands using Landsat MSS, TM, ETM+ and OLI data,” Oral – Geological Society of America, Baltimore, MD

Ali, K.A., and Ortiz, J.D. (2014). Multivariate approach for chlorophyll-a and suspended matter retrievals in Case II waters using hyperspectral data. Hydrological Sciences Journal. doi 10.1080/02626667.2014.964242

Ortiz, J.D., Witter, D.L., Ali, K.A., Nathan Fela, Michael Duff and Lonnie Mills. (2013). Evaluating multiple color producing agents in Case II waters from Lake Erie, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34 (24), 8854-8880, 2013.

Ali, K.A. Witter, D.L., and Ortiz, J.D. (2013). Application of empirical and semi-analytical algorithms to MERIS data for estimating chlorophyll a in Case 2 waters of Lake Erie. Environmental Earth Sciences. doi: 10.1007/s12665-013-2814-0

Ali, K.A., Witter, D., & Ortiz, J.D. (2012). Multivariate approach to estimate color producing agents in Case 2 waters using first-derivative spectrophotometer data. Geocarto Int.doi:10.1080/10106049.

Ortiz, J.D., Witter, D.L., Ali, K.A. (in review). Use of VNIR derivative spectroscopy and Varimax-Rotated Principle Component Analysis to evaluate multiple color producing agents in the Case II waters of Lake Erie. Sub to Journal of Water Research.

Ali, K.A., Ortiz, J.D. (2013). Multivariate approach for chlorophyll-a and suspended matter retrievals in Case II waters using hyperspectral data. American Geophysical Union, Oral, (09-12, Dec 2013), San Francisco, CA, USA.

Harrington, J.E (Undergraduate Student), Ali, K.A. (2013). Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Models to Determine Phytoplankton Density in the Coastal Waters of Long Bay, South Carolina. American Geophysical Union, Oral, (09-12, Dec 2013), San Francisco, CA, USA.

Hames, J.B (Undergraduate Student), Ali, K.A. (2013). Evaluating bio-optical models to determine chlorophyll a from hyper spectral data in the turbid coastal waters of South Carolina. American Geophysical Union, Oral, (09-12, Dec 2013), San Francisco, CA, USA.

Whitehead, C.L. (Undergraduate Student), Ali, K.A. (2013). Application of ASD hyperspectral data to quantify water quality parameters in the coastal waters of South Carolina. Geol. Soc. America, Bulletin xxx, Denver, CO

Ali, K.A., Ortiz, J.D. (2012). Application of bilinear factor models to determine water quality parameters in the optically complex waters of the Western Basin of Lake Erie using first-derivative VIS/NiR hyperspectral data. American Geophysical Union, Oral, (03-07, Dec 2012), San Francisco, CA, USA.

Shuman Morgan (Undergraduate Student), Ali, K.A. (2012). Application of first-derivatives and empirical VIS/NIR bio-optical models to estimate phytoplankton concentrations in Case II waters. Geol. Soc America, Bulletin Vol. 44, No. 7, pp550, Charlotte, NC

Shuman Morgan (Undergraduate Student), Ali, K.A. (2012). Remote Sensing and Mapping of Color Producing Agents in the Optically Complex Western Basin of Lake Erie. SSM poster session

Sydow C.L. (Undergraduate Student), Ali, K.A. (2012). Application of MODIS data to estimate water quality parameters in optically complex water of the Western Basin of Lake Erie. Geol. Soc. America, Bulletin Vol. 44, No. 7, Charlotte, NC

Ortiz, J.D., Ali, K.A. (2012). Can we identify phytoplankton by their pigment assemblages? Insights from Lake Erie and other lakes in Ohio. Ohio Sea Grant College Program- Stone Lab, Put in Bay, OH. June – 2012.

Hall, C., Ali, K.A., Runyon, C.J., Colgan, M.W. (2012). Palmetto Academy: Undergraduates Exploring and Communicating the Multidisciplinary Nature of STEM. American Geophysical Union, Oral, (03-07, Dec 2012), San Francisco, CA.