Our research focuses on developing satellite based algorithms that can accurately retrieve biogeochemical constituents in optically complex marine environments. Aquatic sensing using satellite observations will increase our capacity to understand real time aquatic processes at a wide variety of scales that will contribute to climate research. Moreover, the technology will enhanced our capability to understand the role of marine primary production and dissolved organic carbon in the global carbon budget and the couplings between physical and biological processes. We have carried out a comprehensive research on methodologies that can retrieve optical characteristics of the various biogeochemical constituents in optically complex aquatic environments including in Western Basin of Lake Erie, coastal waters of Carolina and the US. Virgin Islands. The developed satellite algorithms may be used by resource managers to monitor and quantify the physical and biological constituents near real time. Critical local applications include monitoring seasonal Harmful algal blooms and assessment of pollution.
In addition to state of the art in situ bio-optical and hydrological instruments, we use various space based optical sensors including HICO, VIIRS, MODIS, OLI, MERIS, Landsat 8 (LDCM), and SeaWiFS. Currently We have ongoing projects in the US Virgin Islands, Coastal waters of South Carolina and in the US Great Lakes (Lake Erie).